Move Mouse to OCR Text

Command Prototype


Command Description

Use OCR to identify the specified text within a given window and move the mouse to the text location. Internet access is needed for this command. Each machine is limited to 30 calls per minute, and exceeding the limit will result in a 10-minute ban

Parameter Description
Required Parameter
objUiElement--The UI element to search. If a string is passed, it is used as a feature string to search for the specified UIElement to click. If an UiElement is passed, the corresponding UI element is clicked
objRect--Area to recognize the specified string on. The program performs text recognition within the given area, formatted as { "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0}
bPrecision--Whether to use high-precision recognition
sText--Search text to find the target element with
sRule--Rules to use when looking up the text
iOccurrence--Which search text match to click. If the search text appears multiple times, specify which occurrence to click. For example, if the text appears 4 times and you want to click the first match, input 1
iTimeOut--Maximum execution time (in milliseconds) of the activity. Throws a SelectorNotFoundException on timeout. Defaults to 10000
Optional Parameter
bContinueOnError--Whether to continue even if an error is thrown. This field only supports Boolean values (True, False). Defaults to False
iDelayAfter--Added delay (in milliseconds) after executing the activity. Defaults to 300
iDelayBefore--Added delay (in milliseconds) before executing the activity. Defaults to 200
bSetForeground--Whether to activate the target window before executing
sCursorPosition--Starting point of the cursor before adding OffsetX and OffsetY. Options: TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight, and Center
iCursorOffsetX--Horizontal displacement of the cursor position
iCursorOffsetY--Vertical displacement of the cursor position
sKeyModifiers--Extra keys to press at the same time the mouse action is triggered. Each key can be one of: Alt, Ctrl, Shift, Win
sSimulate--How to simulate the operation {default:background operation, simulate:simulated operation, message:system message}

results matching ""

    No results matching ""